At Industrias Garita S.L. (hereinafter, Garita Automotive), we believe that we should be clear about how we collect and use your data.

In order to offer a higher level of transparency, this policy provides detailed information on what types of Cookies this website uses and how you can configure them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are files that a website stores in the browser of the user who visits it. They are necessary in order to provide a better web browsing experience by providing interactive services and allowing information to be obtained related to their browsing.

It should be borne in mind that Cookies do not damage the computer, do not contain any specific personal information and most of them are deleted at the end of the browser session.



We may use Cookies on your computer provided that you have given your consent, except in those cases where Cookies are necessary for browsing through our website. In this way we are able to use Cookies that allow us to learn more about your preferences and to customise our website according to your individual interests.


Possible types of Cookies:

According to their origin:

  • Own: Cookies generated by the web page being visited.
  • Third party: Cookies that are received when browsing the website, but have been generated by a third party service that is hosted on it.

According to length of stay:

  • Session Cookies: Cookies designed to collect and store data while the user visits a website and which are not recorded on the user’s hard drive.
  • Persistent Cookies: Cookies in which the data remains stored on the terminal and which can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the Cookie, which may range from a few minutes to several years.

According to their purpose:

  • Technical Cookies: They are necessary for the website to function. They are also referred to as « strictly necessary ». They make it possible to control traffic from the server to multiple users at the same time, to allow identification and access as a system user, etc.
  • Personalisation Cookies: They make it possible for each user to configure aspects such as the language in which they wish to view the web page or the regional configuration.
  • Analysis or performance Cookies: They allow the number of visits and navigation criteria of different areas of the website to be measured anonymously.
  • Publicity Cookies: They allow efficiency parameters to be implemented for the advertising offered on websites.
  • Behavioural advertising Cookies: They allow efficiency parameters to be implemented for the advertising offered on websites, based on information on user behaviour.


What type of cookies do we use on the Garita Automotive website?

Own Cookies:

We use session cookies for technical purposes, strictly necessary to maintain the functioning of the Site. They allow the user to browse the Site and use its main functions. For example, to maintain a session. These cookies do not store any personal information or collect any information about your browsing that can be used for marketing purposes or to remember which pages you have browsed.

We also use personalisation cookies that allow the user to customise some features, such as the browsing language, so that we can offer a better browsing experience, more in line with the user’s profile.

– Strictly necessary: gdpr, PHPSESSID. Purpose: to remember settings to improve your browsing experience on our website.
How can I uninstall cookies?

The main browsers have options for blocking and deleting cookies, but the procedure may differ from one Internet browser to another and, therefore, we ask you to refer to the instructions provided by the publisher of your Internet browser. In the case of mobile devices, it is also common for the browser to have these options in the Settings area.

For configuring Cookies the User can go to:

The User may revoke their consent to the use of Cookies in their browser via the above instructions or through the installation of an opt-out system in their web browser. Some third parties offer this rejection through the following links:

Select the option « Delete all sites » or select the specific website you want to delete and « Delete Website ».

Please note, however, that if you choose to set your browser to reject our Cookies, we may not be able to retain your preferences and some pages may not be available.


Cookie Policy updates and changes.

Garita Automotive may amend this Cookie Policy in response to new legal or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt this policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

When significant changes are made to this Cookies Policy, the User will be informed.